My name is Rebecca Collins and I am proud and delighted to be the founder of Wonder of Why Educational Services.
We are here to help you give your children the best start to successful life-long education.
I am lucky enough to be a Mum to three teenage children and completely understand the mix of challenges and joys parenthood brings. My joint experience as a teacher and parent allow me to recognise and support you as you navigate the childcare and education systems from babies onwards in order that your child thrives.
As stated in the Early Years Statutory Framework “Parents are children's first and most enduring educators". I seek to support parents (and all educators) with services and classes that entice children into the exciting world of learning inspiring everyone to continually embrace the 'Wonder of Why'.
Alongside being a Mum, I have been lucky enough to teach and support hundreds of other children as a class teacher, deputy headteacher, early years leader, pastoral & behaviour lead and senior county EYFS adviser. I passionately believe that every child deserves the best start to life. Engaging and inspiring, open-ended opportunities will launch children into their own journey of learning and curious exploration - which is what 'Wonder of Why' sessions offer in abundance
With children's brains making one million neural connections every single second in their earliest years it is fundamental that parents and carers are supported to build strong connections with their children and maximise this crucial time to give their child the very best start to life and learning.
I am delighted to be supporting parents and carers to nurture and grow their children, equipping them for successful futures.